The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), through its Policy Development and Planning Bureau (PDPB), hosts a dialogue on Tuesday (May 14) with stakeholders on the study on Near-Poor Households in the Philippines and the Role of Social Protection at the Joy-Nostalg Hotel in Pasig City.

The study was presented by Social Policy Advisor for Economic Policy Research Institute Katharina Bollig.

A panel of discussant, headed by DSWD Asst. Secretary for National Household Targeting System (NHTO) and Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Marites Maristela, National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) Division Chief Ronaldo Mateo and Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA) Human Development Statistics Division Officer Bernadette Balamban, provided their insights on the study.

DSWD Undersecretary for Policy and Plans Group Atty. Adonis Sulit, DSWD Asst. Secretary Rodolfo Santos, Australian Embassy in the Philippines Deputy Ambassador Dr. Moya Collett, and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Deputy Representative Behzad Noubary also shared their inputs during the discussion.

DSWD-PDPB Director Rhodora Alday, representatives from development partners and national government agencies attended the activity.

The dialogue aimed to foster collective ideas and concepts that are vital in delivering more effective and efficient social protection services to the public. #